To be successful at anything you must be consistent. If you look around you will see that the most successful people have been consistent with their work, tasks, line of thought so they could be where they are. You don’t get your desired body from working out once or twice, nor by dieting for two days, it requires you to be consistent. Rihanna did not become Rihanna because one hit was dropped. The same with Beyonce, Jay Z, Chris Brown etcetera ... They have created themselves by building their name daily step by step, what all these celebrities have in common? They were no solely great artists, but they were consistent. So why is seems too hard for us to be consistent? If you look at your life there are areas where you are consistent even without noticing, your routines and habits specially the ones you are unconscious about. This alone shows that you are too able to be consistent. Is easier to blame lack of results on others, on circumstances experiences, the weather etc, but the truth is: YOU are the only REASON you are where you are. Many thinks motivation is the key. You are not motivated every day and what is going to make the change is you being consistent. Consistency will take you places you have never been. Keep that in mind, I have created a 21-day Consistency Challenge to help you step into the version of you that gets it, that is consistent and achieves anything that it sets its mind to. ¨ FOR ONLY £19.99 discounted 50%. SIGN IN TODAY
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